West Point

Services: Sunday Worship begins at 11:00 AM Eastern
NOTE: The First Sunday of Every Month we join in a Unity Service with our brothers and sisters of the First Baptist Church. The Unity Service rotates between the churches and begins at 10:30 AM Eastern. The next Unity Service will be held on March 2nd at the West Point Presbyterian Church.
The Services and Ministries of West Point Presbyterian Church are Christ centered and Gospel focused. We offer a full range of Sunday school classes and Bible Study opportunites to meet the needs of all age groups in our community. Below is a sample of what we offer...

West Point Presbyterian Church is a worshiping community of faith! We gather each Sunday at 9:30 am for Coffeehouse Fellowship and Sunday School, and at 11:00 am for Traditional Worship!
Through out the year we also gather for many special/seasonal worship experiences, including Three Nights Together (TNT) every January with our friends from First Baptist and First Methodist; Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve... among many, many others...

​To inquire about worship opportunities...
Sunday School
Christian Education is a vital part of church life at WPPC! We have groups for Children and Youth, as-well-as multiple opportunities for Adults.
The Stanley Class is led by a rotating group of teachers, including Kris Cagle, Nancy Alford and Paul Kiehn.
The Turner Class is led by our pastor and uses the International Sunday School lesson.
The Cathy Class is led by Dan Bass and is currently working through the Proverbs.
​To inquire about Sunday School...
Point University Chapel
Point University is a private Christian college located in West Point, Georgia! The main academic building is located directly across the 10th Street side of WPPC!
We have been blessed as a congregation to host Point University Chapel Services and Weekly Holy Communion Services in our Sanctuary.
​To inquire about Chapel Service...